We are an international company selling cosmetics who operates in different countries around Europe. We are looking for a responsible person for a post of administrator. Job description •office management, securing smooth running of the office •answering the phone calls, emails and general communication with our distributors •processing the order being sent across Spain •logistics of the goods and responsibility of stock in warehouse •translation from/to Spanish texts used in catalogues, leaflets, web and other promotional materials Requirements •highly proficiency in spoken and written English and Spanish •thorough knowledge of communication tools and PC skills (mail, Skype, MS Office - Word, Excel) •excellent communication skills •time flexibility •focus on nutrition and cosmetics is an advantage •responsible approach to work •sense for marketing and sales support We offer •full-time contract for indefinite period of time •adequate financial evaluation •provided training •background of a strong company and friendly working environment •immediate start
from Ofertas trabajo http://ift.tt/2ktJXcK http://ift.tt/2kMNSon
viernes, 10 de febrero de 2017
Valencia : ESSENS SPAIN is looking for an ADMINISTRATOR/MANAGER for branch in Valencia
By Ofertas de Empleo at 3:47
Ofertas trabajo
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